Release Notes #
March 1, 2025 #
- Added support for counting the number of words in both the main text and the all text.
- Optimized project download speed.
- Enabled batch processing of review records.
- Improved synchronization efficiency for both cloud drive and Git.
- Enhanced the accuracy of AI-assisted language detection.
February 14, 2025 #
- Bib preview.
- Search panel fit the editor’s dark theme.
- Launched the resolved review records feature.
- Added support for restoring review records when reverting to previous document versions via history.
- Added support for uploading files via file links.
- Optimized PDF preview toolbar.
- Enhanced word count statistics with the ability to calculate based on main text content.
January 12, 2025 #
- Launched LaTeX Copilot, which automatically generates LaTeX code based on input prompts.
- When searching within a document, use small color blocks in the scrollbar to indicate the scroll positions of the search results.
- After opening the review records panel, use small color blocks in the scrollbar to indicate the scroll positions of the review records.
- After opening the details of the history records, use small color blocks in the scrollbar to indicate the scroll positions of the editing records.
- Highlight annotated text when selecting review records.
- File-tree now supports dragging files into folders.
- Support for separately authorizing GitHub workflow permissions.
- Dynamically calculate the text positions of review record markers to improve response speed.
- Enhanced the style of the LaTeX template list page.
- Fixed a bug where text could not be folded properly in certain scenarios.
December 9, 2024 #
- Two-Factor Authentication: Once activated, users will be required to enter the authorization code upon login, significantly enhancing account security.
- Allowed viewing of full document history when a collaborator is a subscribed user.
- Displayed line numbers in the document history list.
- Changed the settings panel to a drawer component.
- Optimized auto-completion for file paths.
- Fixed the bug causing infinite loading of large files.
November 12, 2024 #
- The figure insertion tool has been lanuched that allows for visual layout of multiple images.
- AI paraphrase has been launched.
- Import a collection from Zotero libraries.
- Optimize the style of tree-selector.
- Fix the bug causing duplicate version names.
- Fix the bug that the table designer cannot generate borders under Safari.
October 09, 2024 #
- Enabled collaborators to turn on Git and GitHub synchronization.
- Author information is now included in Git commit messages.
- Project permissions are checked when committing to GitHub.
- Allow the update of large bib files from Zotero.
- Improved layout for the project history page.
- Enhanced error message prompts on pages when exceptions occur.
- Fixed a bug where version names were repeated when generating multiple diff versions.
- Fixed a synchronization issue occurring when associating GitHub projects multiple times.
- Fixed a bug where unmatched brackets were not highlighted in red.
- Fixed an issue where the outline view incorrectly displayed section hierarchy.
September 11, 2024 #
- PDF action buttons now fit the page width.
- Enhanced syntax highlighting for tex and bib files.
- Optimized the compilation task queue to allocate more CPU resources for subscribed users.
- Outline view now supports frames.
- Improved layout of the file tree.
- Lanuch the new homepage.
August 22, 2024 #
- Optimized product pricing configurations.
- Added support for Ctrl + Scroll Wheel to zoom PDF files.
- Default setting to collapse unchanged text when comparing file differences.
- Optimized compilation task queue to prioritize compilation speed for subscribers.
- Added year information to the project’s last modified date.
- Enhanced the loading speed of the project file tree.
July 30, 2024 #
- Refactor the compilation server to improve compilation speed.
- Optimized the compilation cache synchronization strategy.
- Launched Paddle payment.
July 15, 2024 #
- Debugging compilation logs by AI.
- Fixed a bug where files were hidden when scrolling appeared in the file directory.
July 9, 2024 #
- Support TeX Live 2024.
- Show the selected range of collaborators.
- Support for customizing auto-complete lists.
- Improve shortcuts in LaTeX snippet editor.
- Support set tracking change switch status for all collaborators.
- Fix the bug that collaborator review data is not refreshed when all review records are resolved.
- Fix the bug that text may not be updated when overwriting a text file.
June 17, 2024 #
- Dark mode is now supported for PDF preview.
- Sign in and registration with Google account are now available.
- Token authorization for git is now supported.
- Added setting for cursor blinking functionality.
- File outline has been optimized.
- Cloud Driver sync has been improved.
- Fixed a bug where the LaTeX code could not be generated after resetting the table designer.
- Fixed a bug where the file tree generated after version comparison was missing files.
May 24, 2024 #
- Optimized the stability of collaborative editing.
- Added draft compilation mode.
- Optimized the log panel.
- PDF presentation mode now supports page navigation shortcut keys: Enter/Shift + Enter and arrow keys.
- PDF viewer now supports forward/backward navigation and page navigation.
- Split the button for PDF and LaTeX code location into two separate buttons.
- Cancelled the default hiding of frame around links in PDF preview.
- The collaboration icon turns grey when cursor of collaborator is not within current document.
- Removed automatic line break in the compilation log.
- Fixed the bug of incorrect filename after downloading a renamed file.
May 1, 2024 #
- Document history feature now supports comparing the historical records of any two points in time.
- PDF will automatically reload when the loading fails.
- The editor now allows search and replace within a selected range.
- When hitting enter in itemize and enumerate environments, \item will be automatically added.
- Optimized scrollbar style.
- Fixed a bug that caused git synchronization to fail when the main branch was missing.
- Suspend the free premium plan for inviting users to register.
April 11, 2024 #
- Dropbox Integration.
- Optimized cloud drive sync speed.
- The compilation time for collaborators is based on the maximum compilation time of the collaborator and project owner’s account.
- Shows error message when PDF rendering fails.
- Automatically selects coupon at checkout.
- Automatically focuses when adding annotations.
- File-tree supports multiple selection.
March 12, 2024 #
- GitHub Integration.
- Support setting the default version and allowed to delete the main version.
- Change the project update time from the current user’s update time to the update time of all collaborators.
- Add the feature of adding affiliation. After joining the institution, the account is automatically upgraded to the Ultimate Plan.
- Optimize the template details page.
January 19, 2024 #
- Optimized the style file differences are displayed in history.
- Improved the logic of automatically refreshing the compile cache.
- Automatically updates the user’s language settings.
- Optimized the style of the template details page.
- Improved git synchronization logic, enhancing git sync stability.
- Supports the automatic completion of unclosed begin environments.
- Fixed a bug where other files cannot be opened when automatic completion is turned on.
- Fixed a bug where renaming a project would create duplicate folders in cloud sync.
- Fixed a bug that prevented old-version browsers from loading the page.
- Fixed a bug where the page would error out when using regular expressions to search for templates.
More… #
Show only the updates since 2024